Rearz Lil Squirts Diapers - Splash V2

$40.00 - $97.00
(15 reviews)
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It's time to join the party! Jump in for a Splash with our new friends Lucy the Bunny, Arnold the Dog, Onyx the Tiger, Gus the Otter and Autumn the Bear!

Featuring all of the premium features you have come to love to manage moderate to severe bladder/bowel incontinence issues

  • Tall standing leg guards to manage surge incontinence
  • Amazing elastic waistbands
  • Super soft inner for sensitive skin and sensory sensitive individuals
  • Reinforced front panel and 4 refastenable Tapes
  • Now even higher capacity and more padding
  • 4100ml capacity

With a smooth outer plastic and a blue inner core, you are sure to feel as relaxed as at the beach or pool. Featuring a cheerful printed wetness indicator, once it becomes wet you will notice the Rearz text, bubbles and fish disappear.


Size Medium Large X-Large
Width 67cm  26.4" 80cm  31.5" 85cm  33.5"
Length 84cm  33.1" 96cm  37.8" 102cm  40.2"
Waist Sizing 76-112cm 29.9"- 44.1" 96-124cm 37.8"- 48.8" 112-145cm 44.1"- 57.1"
Per Bag 12 12 12


Cases contain 3 bags per case 36 diapers total.

These products are specifically designed for the permanently disabled and  the severely incontinent.  


  • 5

    Posted by BareBarre on Apr 28th 2021

    The medium size fits me as perfectly as any diaper I've ever worn. Nicely crinkly, soft plastic, and ADORABLE. This is not the highest capacity diaper, for those who really like to wet liter after liter. (I'd suggest a stuffer for that.) This is my 3rd time ordering them.

  • 5
    so comfortable!

    Posted by Pikachu on Mar 20th 2021

    these by far are the comfiest diapers ive worn. the are just so soft and lovely! and the tapes hold up very well. ive been very impressed with these. def will by again.

  • 4
    Overall great value

    Posted by Taylor on Mar 9th 2021

    Decent enough, i really like the outer shell material, but the absorbent inside is a little firm for my taste, and when wet, don’t swell as much as I’d like. However I love the design and they hold enough that there is no issue with me!

  • 5
    LIL Squirts v-2

    Posted by Will on Mar 6th 2021

    The print looks nicer in person, the fit is GREAT and they fit wonderfully. I will be buying more.

  • 5
    Some of the best.

    Posted by Klaus on Dec 5th 2020

    I saw these quite a while ago and always wanted to get some but kept forgetting. When I finally did get them, i surprised and impressed beyond belief. If you're a little who enjoys the ocean or nautical themed things then the print is just the cutest and can't be beat, not even by the likes of Forsite undersea or Crinklz' ocean diapers. In terms of comfort, these rank high in my repertoire of diapers. They are very soft, the plastic is very smooth, and the tabs are super secure. Absorbency get a 5/5 from me as well, these start out thin and swell to about double their thickness and you'd be hard pressed to make them leak (unless you're a lil super soaker, like me cx). And now the final point I want to press home to anyone still on the fence about these: the price point. For about 29 USD you can get 12 diapers whereas most other place give you 10 diapers for 30 ish plus shipping and handling, these give more bang for the buck. In conclusion, these are truly quality dips for any bab wanting to be cute, comfy, and protected. Stay crinkly out there. -Klaus

  • 5
    Cute comfortable diaper

    Posted by Bigreddl on Sep 16th 2020

    One of the cutest diapers, holds up well, fits well even on chubby littles. Comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Will definitely purchase again.